Mission of the MOnth

The Mission Committee of Cross of Christ Lutheran Church promotes missions locally, nationally, and internationally. The Mission Committee selects a Mission of the Month that is highlighted each month at our Sunday services and on the church website. We look for service opportunities in addition to monetary giving.  All loose change offerings collected during Sunday services that month, or that are designated with online giving, are sent to the designated Mission of the Month.

process for selecting the "Mission of the Month"

The Mission Committee uses an application to review Christian Missions that are consistent with Cross of Christ’s mission statement and vision. Christian charities are recommended by members, or a charity can apply directly for consideration. When a Mission of the Month is assigned, a liaison coordinates with the charity the information and presentations (video or speaker) to the congregation.

CLICK HERE to complete the Cross of Christ Mission of the Month application.


CLICK HERE to see a list of past and current Mission of the Month recipients.