Mission of the month - Lutheran special education ministries
Advancing the success of children with various learning abilities.
Lutheran Special Education Ministries (www.luthsped.org) is the March Mission of the Month. LSEM is a Christian ministry that partners with Christian schools and churches to advance the success of children who have various learning abilities. It is LSEM’s vision that every child, regardless of their learning ability, will have access to a Christian education.
They provide teachers and Resource Rooms to Lutheran and Christian schools in15 states across the country. LSEM also assists churches and schools with the iCAN program—Individualized Christian Achievement Network. This program is an after-school or summer community outreach program that provides a safe, Christ-centered learning environment for at-risk inner-city children and youth.
Please support LSEM as the March Mission of the Month. For more information, go to (www.luthsped.org).
Lutheran Special Education Ministries (www.luthsped.org) is the March Mission of the Month. LSEM is a Christian ministry that partners with Christian schools and churches to advance the success of children who have various learning abilities. It is LSEM’s vision that every child, regardless of their learning ability, will have access to a Christian education.
They provide teachers and Resource Rooms to Lutheran and Christian schools in15 states across the country. LSEM also assists churches and schools with the iCAN program—Individualized Christian Achievement Network. This program is an after-school or summer community outreach program that provides a safe, Christ-centered learning environment for at-risk inner-city children and youth.
Please support LSEM as the March Mission of the Month. For more information, go to (www.luthsped.org).